Michaels Voice Assistant

2019 — #app, #retail, #voice

Michaels Voice Assistant

Company: Personal Project  •  Role: User Experience & User Interface Designer

Before we start I have to mention that this prototype was not ordered by Michaels or any other company, I am just using Michaels as a prototype.

That being said, let's dive into the matter: you don't always have a store employee at your disposal when looking for help in a retail store. What should you do? Wait to get attended? Download one more app? Do an endless search on your mobile device? No, you can just ask a virtual assistant!

Having a voice assistant ready to help clients would improve the customers shopping experience in the following aspects:

  • Reduce store staff responsibilities and workload
  • Speed up user's pathway to desired products
  • Avoid installing extra apps on mobile devices
  • Increase revenue opportunities by displaying sales and deals related to what customers are looking for

Below you can watch a video prototype of what would be one of the possible interactions between a customer and a voice assistant inside a retail store.